Curriculum structure

The proposed curriculum is designed to take four years to complete. Students spend the first two and one-half years (comprised of five six-month long semesters) completing course work. The final year and one-half (or longer) is spent developing and completing the doctoral dissertation. Research components are present in each year of the program and a research emphasis is present throughout the entire curriculum. The student is encouraged to designate their area of intended research in her/his specialization when applying to the program.

Each of the five coursework semesters is composed of both on- and off-campus components. On-campus sessions, scheduled during late June/early July and the beginning of January, will employ a rather traditional mix of educational technologies (e.g., lectures, seminars and assigned readings). These sessions run from 7 to 14 days, depending on the semester; attendance is mandatory. During the off-campus component of each semester, students pursue their studies employing a variety of innovative educational technologies (e.g., computer conferencing, computer-aided instruction, webcasts and programmed instructional material), in addition to assigned readings and the completion of various assignments and projects.

Following the completion of the five coursework semesters, students are required to meet face to face with their research advisor for a day or so each semester until their research proposal has been successfully defended. It is the student's responsibility to select a time for this visit that is mutually convenient for the student and his or her research advisor.